Jack applies, so you don’t have to.

Spend your time
prepping for interviews
updating your portfolio
networking on linkedin
connecting with recruiters
making a sandwich
eating a sandwich
keeping up with trends
doing freelance work
following up after interviews
playing pickleball
building your online presence
I want Jack to apply to jobs for me...
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4k+ job searchers using Jack
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Job Applications.
Made Easy

Select which roles you're interested in

Create an account, log in and select the type of roles you are looking for.


Complete a
job profile

Complete your job profile, including questions about your experience.


Pick which jobs you want us to apply to

Review all the open jobs on your dashboard and add the ones you like to your list so we can apply to them for you.


See all your completed applications

Check back to see all the applications we've submitted for you.


Plans and Pricing

Check out our plans below, each offering you the flexibility to select the jobs you want us to apply to for you - just choose how many.


50 applications


100 applications


250 applications

Frequently Asked Questions

Still feeling unsure? These might help!

What are the basic functions of Jack?

It’s easy: Jack applies to jobs for you. You’ll provide us with all the information we need to fill out job applications and we’ll do it for you. Once you sign up you’ll see a list of all the jobs opening in the field you selected. Pick the ones you want us to apply to and we will.

How does Jack prioritize data privacy and security?

We aim to protect your personal information through a system of organizational and technical security measures. We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures designed to protect the security of any personal information we process.

However, please also remember that we cannot guarantee that the internet itself is 100% secure. Although we will do our best to protect our users’ personal information, transmission of personal information to and from our Services is at your own risk. You should only access the services within a secure environment.

Can I add a job I don’t see on Jack?

Yes, this feature is coming soon! We’re working on adding this feature to Jack so you can add job postings we might have missed.

How can I apply for a job at Jack?

Email us! Send your resume to getstarted@searchwithjack.com

How do membership plans work?

Each membership plan comes with a set number of credits. Each job application we apply to = 1 credit used. If you run out of credits for the month you can purchase additional credits or wait until next month for your credits to reset.. 

Can I pause my membership?

Unfortunately our membership plans cannot be paused or rolled over into subsequent months. If you land a job and want to cancel, just let us know by emailing getstarted@searchwithjack.com.

Can I track jobs in Jack I applied to myself?

No, you can’t. Since Jack is not a job application tracking system you won’t be able to track roles you’ve applied to outside of Jack. However you can export a CSV of all the jobs we’ve applied to for you and track the ones you applied to separately.